Best Ayurvedic Treatments for Hair Loss and Hair Regrowth Remedies
Hair loss brings you down and affects your confidence and self-esteem. Ayurveda Healing Ashram understands this. According to Ayurveda, hair fall is caused by aberrations of the three doshas of the human body—Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These doshas are responsible for maintaining perfect health and the strength and vigour of your hair. Factors like stress, poor nutrition, hormonal imbalance, and exposure to environmental toxicants can be the fundamental causes of hair loss. Our efficient Kerala Ayurvedic treatments for hair loss and hair regrowth get down to the root cause and give a solution based on the age-old traditional norms for controlling hair loss.

Hair Loss: Understanding It with Ayurveda
Dosha Imbalance
The three doshas have different implications on hair condition as follows:
Vata Dosha: If Vata is aggravated, the person will experience dryness in his hair strands and be prone to brittleness, which may lead to hair loss.
Pitta Dosha: The Pitta imbalances will lead to excessive heat in the scalp, resulting in inflammation and thinning hair.
Kapha Dosha: An imbalance of Kapha results in excessive oiliness and clogged hair follicles. Identifying this imbalance is the first step towards treating it.
Ayurvedic Treatment for Hair regrowth
Prachana Karma for hair fall and hair regrowth
Ptachana Karama is most powerful treatment for hairloss, Prachana Karma is a bloodletting therapy that aims to expel the vitiated doshas from the body and re-establish balance. Using a koorcha sastra, precise pricks are made on the affected areas to allow harmful blood to ooze.
Benefits of Prachana Karma:
The accumulated vitiated blood is removed
Cures local skin diseases and baldness
Apply a tourniquet to control the blood flow.
While performing Prachana Karma, an Ayurvedic treatment for hair loss and regrowth in India, multiple pricks are given in a specific pattern—parallel, from bottom to top. The pricks are neither very superficial nor very deep. The tourniquet is removed when the satisfactory blood oozes out. The process helps to open up the hair follicles and promote hair growth.
Shirovasthi for hair loss and hair regrowth
Shirovasthi is a highly advanced Ayurvedic treatment in which a dough reservoir on the top of the scalp is formulated for the deep penetration of warm, intensely medicated oil. The procedure usually takes 30 to 45 minutes, depending on individual needs.
Benefits of Shirovasthi:
Nourishes scalp and hair follicles
Reduces stress and promotes relaxation
Balances Vata dosha, improving overall health
The medicational properties of the oil work not only for an immediate relief but also provide long-term care by improving circulation to the scalp and nourishing it.
Nasyam for hair loss
Nasyam is a special type of nasal administration used to reduce hair loss due to an imbalance of doshas. It involves introducing lukewarm medicated oil into both nostrils to stimulate the brain and nervous system.
Benefits of Nasyam:
The medicine improves blood circulation to the scalp, promoting hair growth. It balances the Vata and Pitta doshas in the body while reducing hair loss due to stress. This holistic approach will improve overall health while targeting hair loss.
Shiro Abhyanga — Massage to the Head
Shiro Abhyanga is a traditional Ayurvedic massage on the scalp to reduce hair loss and promote hair regrowth. It is an ancient skilful technique using herbal oils concentrated on the scalp area to strengthen the hair.
Benefits of Shiro Abhyanga:
It reduces tension and stress, which might have been the cause for the hair loss; improves blood supply towards the scalp; and gives relaxation and rejuvenation for the patient. This incorporates various massage techniques that ensure the hair follicles are effectively stimulated and receive excellent nourishment for healthy hair growth. Anyhow, Kerala ayurvedic treatment is the best option for hair growth and regrowth of hair.
Ayurveda Healing Ashram is an ancient Ayurvedic science-based complete treatment center for hair loss. Our excellent hair loss treatment course emphasizes Dosha balance and follows Prachana Karma, Shirovasthi, Nasyam, and Shiro Abhyanga treatment techniques to offer effective solutions. Helped by experience, our practitioners guide you in regaining not only your lost hair but also your lost confidence.
If you have hair fall, then discover the holistic and potent Ayurveda remedies at Ayurveda Healing Ashram. Let us guide and mentor you through your journey to healthier hair and holistic well-being.